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Tea Light Candles - Manifesting My Dreams (Pack of 12)

Tea Light Candles - Manifesting My Dreams (Pack of 12)

Regular price Rs. 600.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 600.00
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Power And Benefits


These candles help individuals concentrate their energy and intention on specific goals, ensuring that their efforts are directed towards fruitful outcomes. 

The intentional energy of the candle intensifies the user's desires, making them more potent and more likely to be realized. 

MANIFESTING MY DREAM candles are believed to attract positive vibrations and energies, creating an environment conducive to achieving one's aspirations.

The act of using the candle can bolster one's determination and willpower, motivating them to take actionable steps towards their dreams.



  • MANIFESTING MY DREAM intentional candles are specially curated candles charged with herbs, oils, and specific intentions to aid in the process of manifesting one's desires, dreams, and goals.
  • They serve as a powerful tool in rituals, meditations, and intention-setting practices, acting as a beacon to draw one's aspirations into reality.
  • The energy of the candle, combined with the user's focused intent, is believed to amplify the manifestation process.

How to use

  • Find a quiet and sacred space where you can focus on your intentions.
  • Place the INTENTION CANDLE in a safe candle holder or on a heat-resistant surface.
  • Before lighting the candle, take a few moments to concentrate on your intentions.
  • Visualize your desires clearly.
  • Light the candle and let it burn while you continue to meditate or focus on your intentions.
  • Ensure that the candle is in a secure place and never leave it unattended while burning.
  • Allow the candle to burn completely, as this signifies the release of your intentions into the universe.

Product Disclaimer

  • "Intention Candles" are intended for spiritual and personal development purposes.
  • They are not a guaranteed means of achieving specific outcomes.
  • Your intentions and actions play a significant role in manifesting your desires.
  • Use candles responsibly, keep them away from flammable materials, and never leave them unattended.
  • If you have specific concerns or needs, consult a qualified professional or spiritual advisor.


  • Always use the candle in a safe environment, placing it on a stable surface away from flammable materials, pets, and children.
  • While the candle aids in clearing negativity, it's crucial to set clear intentions before its usage to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Remember that the candle is a tool and should be combined with other self-help and therapeutic practices for comprehensive healing.
  • Once the candle has been used, ensure to dispose of any remnants in a respectful manner, considering the spiritual significance of the product.
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  • Best Quality
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